Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Steven Watkins Visitation Interference Bill

Illinois Fathers

We have intel that that SB 3823, (The Steven Watkins Visitation Interference Bill) will be coming up for a vote in the full House either this week or early next week. We are hoping for a Veto Proof vote from the members of the Illinois House. Yes, that sounds pretty ambitous, but frankly, this entire quest was ambitous from day one. No motivational speeches are needed here. Everyone reading this newsletter understands that if this bill passes, the floodgates are opened and opened wide.

If you need to determine who is your Illinois House Representative


If you know who your Illinois House Representative is and need their contact information


Please call soon and encourage support for Senate Bill 3823 / The Steven Watkins Visitation Interference Bill

No comments:

Should judicial discipline be taken out of the hands of the judiciary?

Should judges be held accountable for allowing lawyers to file false, perjured and frivilous pleadings with no penalty?

Should applications for Child Support be denied without a divorce decree or separation order of support? (Married/Divorced Parents Only)

Should a parent who makes false allegations of child sexual abuse for the purposes of child custody get only Supervised Visitation?

Perjury in family court should be aggressively prosecuted?

Perjured applications for child support should be denied and aggressively prosecuted?

It should be mandated that child support arrears should be prohibited if a parent has interfered with custody & visitation during dissolution or custody proceedings?

I believe that child support arrearages given to a parent who has interfered with custody only encourages future denials of custody & visitation?

Do you believe that Judges and Prosecutors who refuse to enforce child custody are responsible for the escalation of domestic violence by non-custodial parents?

Do you believe that interference with custody is a willful action by the offending parent to cause significant mental & emotional distress on the victim child(ren)?

Do you believe that interference with custody is a willful action by the offending parent to inflict significant mental & emotional distress on the non-custodial parent?