Thursday, April 22, 2010

~ Toys For Tots ~ Candle Light Vigil - Illinois

Chicago, IL - For Immediate Release


We would like to introduce ourselves ; Laps For Love a non for profit org. which is planning a ~ Toys For Tots Day ~ Candle Light Vigil event at 16501 South Kedzie Parkway Markham , Illinois 60428 .

We are inviting you our friends and your families to join us on Saturday April 24 , 2010 at 6 :30 p.m. The location is the Markham Courthouse and our gathering will be on the North East side of Kedzie . There is a driveway that leads you into the parking lot and you must turn either left if headed south on Kedzie or right if you are headed north on Kedzie . The predicted weather forecast of rain /storms may warrant us to gather briefly outdoors but then also go indoors at a location nearby to eat and fellowship if we need to .

A memorable national event on April 25 , 2010 joins people and communities from across the entire United States and abroad to declare *Parental Alienation Awareness Day* .

There are families who are kept apart from one another . There are children who are taken from their parents and never returned .

Laps For Love .Org would welcome all local media , any radio sponsors , other organizations and legal communities to share a ~ Toy For Tots ~ as these donations will be given to patients/ children in a neighboring hospital . If donating a toy , stuffed or non stuffed is unlikely please consider making a cash donation to Laps For Love .Org who will have their dark black shirts on and logo in blue - white .

There are other means for this event which we want all of you to consider and that is : How can you make a difference in the lives of Children ? There will always be various levels and conditions of housing for children , mentoring opportunities with children , tutoring the children , community clothing exchange for children , sport training camps for boys / girls etc...

But once again : How can you make a difference in the lives of Children ?

Are you willing to come and donate a toy on April 24, 2010 at 16501 South Kedzie Parkway Markham , Il. 60428 at 6 : 30 pm .

We are sharing this invitation with many organizations and we look forward to your participation . This gathering can bring comfort for a child who has not seen his/her own biological parent , guardian , or kin and you can make the difference when a toy , or cash donation is offered to Laps For Love. Org and join the many families who want parental alienation to end .

The wet weather may cause us to relocate to a neighboring restaurant and that can be decided amongst the participants and we invite all to join us even if the weather is dry .

Most likely going out to fellowship and eat is a promise .

If this message is received and you feel compelled to share it we encourage you to send it , re post it and let others know. We look forward to meeting you and we thank you for your love and care to children and their families . Laps For Love. Org

Carrie Adams

Co - President
John Furbee

No comments:

Should judicial discipline be taken out of the hands of the judiciary?

Should judges be held accountable for allowing lawyers to file false, perjured and frivilous pleadings with no penalty?

Should applications for Child Support be denied without a divorce decree or separation order of support? (Married/Divorced Parents Only)

Should a parent who makes false allegations of child sexual abuse for the purposes of child custody get only Supervised Visitation?

Perjury in family court should be aggressively prosecuted?

Perjured applications for child support should be denied and aggressively prosecuted?

It should be mandated that child support arrears should be prohibited if a parent has interfered with custody & visitation during dissolution or custody proceedings?

I believe that child support arrearages given to a parent who has interfered with custody only encourages future denials of custody & visitation?

Do you believe that Judges and Prosecutors who refuse to enforce child custody are responsible for the escalation of domestic violence by non-custodial parents?

Do you believe that interference with custody is a willful action by the offending parent to cause significant mental & emotional distress on the victim child(ren)?

Do you believe that interference with custody is a willful action by the offending parent to inflict significant mental & emotional distress on the non-custodial parent?