Monday, November 2, 2009

Illinois Fathers Action Alert - Kerry Sandusky

Children Need Both Parents

Action Message

Is 2 Hours Enough?

Is it possible to have a court award of only 2 hours time with your son every week? Is it possible to be forced into a center that charges $30 an hour to watch you play patty cake with your two year old son? Is it possible for that visitation center to be filled with empty beer bottles? Is it possible this is in the best interests of our children?

Apparently so in the Markham Courthouse in Cook County (Chicago).

Illinois Fathers would like to bring your attention to Mr. Kerry Sandusky. Kerry has a two year old son, who was born out of wedlock. Shortly before the birth of his child, Kerry's ex-girlfriend moved away with his son. After refusing all visitation to Kerry for nearly a year, Kerry pursued visitation rights in the courtroom. Following the usual litigation routine that most non-custodial parents undergo, Kerry was ordered to have a home study that revealed he had a broken porch step on his property. Kerry has since moved away from this property, however, after spending much needed money on an attorney as well as investing much of his time, the Judge in his case authorized Kerry to spend a mere 2 hours a week of supervised visitation time with his son in a certified visitation center.

This based solely on the condition that the opposing attorney requested a psychological evaluation and the home study identified a broken porch step. We have not been able to identify any proof of any psychological conditions having ever existed on Kerry's behalf to warrant such a request. The problem, as we sees it, is that Kerry has not done anything wrong, or even been accused of doing anything that would justify he and his son being limited to the 2 hours a week of supervised visitation. Of great concern is that at 2 years old, this child is at the formative stages of his life. This is the time that this child defines his parental relationships and its highly questionable how that can occur at only 2 hours a week. There's no doubt that significant damage to the relationship between Kerry and his son has already occurred due to the extremely limited time they see each other, but what happens if this extremely limited time is allowed to continue? So we ask the question, "Is 2 hours enough?"

Kerry does not have the funds to afford a high paced attorney and without a generous out flowing of emotional support from the community, we fear that his relationship with his son is in danger. Illinois Fathers and their members have attempted to find alternatives to this course of action by volunteering our time to supervise Kerry at no cost on our own time, however, our members' attempts were refuted by the Judge. All this is despite the condition of the visitation center that the Court orders Kerry to go to. Kerry has photographed a barrel full of empty beer bottles(
available here) in the visitation center, and he has also noted that the A/C and heat do not even work. Instead, they provide a space heater. Certainly, the love of a parent and a broken step is better than these conditions at a visitation center with beer and no heat. We question, highly, if this is in the best interests of this child!

Illinois Fathers has been unable to find an e-mail address for Judge Martin D. Coghlan, who is the Judge in Kerry's case. However, Kerry's case has been written about before in both the Kankakee newspaper, and also a Cook County Newspaper, (The Daily Southtown). We are encouraging our membership to contact both of these newspapers and ask a simple question, "Is 2 hours enough?". Letters to Judge Coghlan and phone calls to the court house are also highly encouraged. Note that they will probably not respond via phone, but simply ask to leave the message in regards to Kerry's case, "Is 2 hours enough?".

Case History:

Antonio Young, The Daily Journal (Kankakee), 815 / 937 - 3385
John O'Brien or John Stein, The Daily Southtown is 708 / 633 - 4800 or 708 / 633 - 6777

Judicial Contacts:

Judge Martin Coghlan - Cook County Municipal Judge, District 6, Room 204Q, 16501 South Kedzie, Markham, Illinois 60471 - (708) 210-4170 (708) 210-4170

Please consider writing a letter, placing a phone call, or send an email to any and preferably all of the contacts above to ask the question, "Is 2 hours enough?"

Thursday, October 1, 2009




Fathers4Justice to visit with wrongfully imprisoned Bill Coleman

Washington, DC – October 01, 2009 –

Fathers-4-Justice™ U.S. (F4J) board member Donald Tenn is traveling to the MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution in Suffield, Connecticut to meet with wrongfully imprisoned Bill Coleman as part of the Fathers 4 Justice, "No Jail For Being A Dad" campaign.

Bill Coleman is on a hunger strike because, he says, "The justice system is broken and corrupt!" Coleman also stated, "I am protesting a broken judicial system that is incapable of providing justice as well as protesting the State of Connecticut assisting in the abuse of my children. Having explored every avenue, to save my children and prove my innocence, I now believe the system is not an option for the truth to come out; and I choose to fight to the maximum with my life."

Coleman's ex-wife told police in 2002 that he raped her and a jury convicted him in 2005 of sexual assault in a spousal relationship, unlawful restraint, breach of peace, second-degree threatening and sixth-degree larceny, without any physical evidence. Coleman, 49, was given a 15-year prison sentence, suspended after he serves eight years, on his wife's testimony alone. Coleman says she falsely accused him to gain the upper hand in their child custody case. She never had a medical exam which would have included a rape kit. He passed a lie detector test, but it wasn't admissible as evidence in Connecticut.

Coleman's defense attorney, Michael Gannon had his license to practice law suspended in June 2007, yet Coleman's request for a retrial has not been approved.

Coleman, a British citizen is incarcerated in Suffield's McDougall-Walker prison, where officials want to resume force-feeding. The American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut is assisting Coleman. Jamil Dakwar, director of the ACLU Human Rights Program wrote that "brutally force-feeding" Coleman violated his basic human rights and his right to make a political statement by refusing food.

A rally will be held in support of Bill Coleman on October 2, 2009 from 11 am to 6 pm at the prison.
MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution
1153 East Street
SouthSuffield, Connecticut 06080

Monday, August 24, 2009

Subject: HELP NEEDED IN ILLINOIS - For Carrie Adams


My Ex' spouse name : Arthur M Adams 111 - (aka ) Chip Adams

Work Place - Palos Fire Protection District on 123 rd in Palos Park , Il. 60464

His attorney
Michael Shevick
70 W. Madison Str.
Suite 650
Chicago , Il. 60602

Ph # 312-269-4600
Fx # 312 -236 -9157
Carrie's former attorney
John Cossidente
7777 W. 159 th Str.
Suite A
Tinley Park , Il 60477

Ph # 708-444-1444
Fx -# 708 -444 8333
Former GAl
Geraldine Berger
100 W. Monroe Str.
Suite 1403
Chicago , Il. 60603

Ph # 312 -346 -6686
Fx # 312 -346 -0938
Previous Judges For this Case in
Case No.99 D 8572
Cook County Courts - Daley Center
Chicago , Il
Judge Raul Vega - Rm . 3001
Judge Kathleen Kennedy - Rm . 3010

What has gone on as most of you know I have been alienated for several yrs now . I lived at one point for nearly 3 yrs . down 3 street lights from my kids - no visits - no nothing . My attorney and the GAl had various tendencies to be inadequate to represent this case using common sense but pretended that the law was never violated .

I personally have not resumed to a court building since I became sick in Oct 2, 2006 . In Dec. 2007 my eldest sister reached my ex to inform him of my condition - needless to say nothing has happened other than him going back into court to continue a second R.O. against me for no reason - I have not seen my kids since 2004 ! So Mr. Michael Shevick continues to represent the ex and malisciously has targeted me and I am in a medical impaired status of health and having ongoing complications .

My story has been on two broadcasts of Talkshoe .com
American Injustice - April 2009 segment reach
Margie Blackburn - GSG Missouri / 816-517-8007

Also other broadcast on Talkshoe .com
NCP Support & Empowerment Exchange - May 12 , 2009 segment reach Julia Moreno - Calif / 760 -252 -8659

Previous contact made to Mr. Shevick was last year and Nancy Lankford notified him . She was told that a video would be made to be sent to me !
The ex husband has physical ability to run to court - I have been quite immobile for nearly 3 yrs total now .

Request **************************8
Need Help to See My Kids
No Interferenc on my discussions via phone
Set Visit Schedule
Take The Case and Push Emergency Motions

I have complications that are occuring with my M.S.



ILLINOIS 815-304-5706


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pink's 'Please Don't Leave Me' (Video): DV Against Men Is OK--After All, She's Angry...

May 31st, 2009 by Glenn Sacks, MA for Fathers & Families

I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many time I've kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?

I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything
I can cut you into pieces
But my heart is broken

Please don't leave me
Please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

How did I become so obnoxious?
What is it with you that makes me act like this?
I've never been this nasty

Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest
But baby I don't mean it
I mean it, I promise

I forgot to say out loud how beautiful you really are to me
I cannot be without, you're my perfect little punching bag
And I need you, I'm sorry

The song and music video for singer Pink's (pictured) Please Don't Leave Me is a compendium of the ills of modern gender issues--an "empowered," entitled woman injuring, insulting, and abusing her man with impunity. She's psycho but that's OK and you'd better not make her angry...

When witnessing female domestic violence such as in the video, society says "it's not a problem, it's just a woman." However, women commit half the domestic violence and inflict a third of domestic violence-related injuries--their actions matter.

Watch the video here.

~Jamie Cass Contributing Editor (June 2nd, 2009)

Copyright © Glenn Sacks

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Obsession versus Perseverance

Main Entry: ob·ses·sion

Function: noun
Date: 1680
1: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling ; broadly : compelling motivation 2: something that causes an obsession
— ob·ses·sion·al \-ˈsesh-nəl, -ˈse-shə-nəl\ adjective
— ob·ses·sion·al·ly adverb
Main Entry: per·se·vere

Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): per·se·vered; per·se·ver·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French parseverer, from Latin perseverare, from per- through + severus severe
Date: 14th century
: to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement
— per·se·ver·ing·ly adverb

-Contributed by ~ Robbie Knight

Sunday, January 4, 2009

George W. Bush Comments on The American Family Court System

Folks, Honestly, George W. Bush did a great job at the start of 9-11. But after that, it was all down hill. And on his way down the hill of poor policy decisions, he made a startling disclosure of other poor policy practices in America that reflect accurately the American Family Court System. "Our enemies are innovative and resourcefull, and so are we. They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." Location: The White house, Washington, D.C, Date: August 5th, 2004.

Perhaps if we eliminate Title IV-D, we'll come up with a creative and resourceful way to preserve the most important part of the United States, and that is, our family. Perhaps if we treat interference with child custody as it is... a criminal act of domestic violence, we'll stop some of the needless homocides and murder/suicides that plague the results of poor policy practices.

Perhaps if we stop criminalizing "child support" and start acting practicle, we'll make some inroads to STOP HARMING the NCP (non-custodial parent) relationship with a child and reduce tensions that lead to violence. Perhaps if we start enforcing child custody in a way equal to or even stronger than child support, we'll see a curtailing of family violence. Dollars aren't an emotional thing except to a greedy cash monger. Emotions are the key. Drainging someones finances is emotional, hijacking the relationship of one parent for another, without proper cause, that causes serious emotional distress. Handle the problem correctly and we STOP harming our country.

Think about it. If we hold women, as much as we hold men accountable, "equal protection" equally practiced, everyone would learn to play nice because no one would want to be the public poster child for being busted.

I know I may have misspoken myself here, afterall, the President was very clear "They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." but maybe, really, if we stop thinking of ways to harm our country and our people and practice that as domestic AND foreign policy, the other folks "thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people" will stop thinking that stuff.

But who am I to bitch. I'm a father who has suffered in excess of 50 child custody violations in 6 years and the judiciary has allowed it to continue, unabated. So long as the Judiciary doesn't hold predominantly female offenders accountable, we can hold the judiciary accountable for the emotional and mental distress of fathers and for the resultant violence that ensues. I'm thinking of ways to STOP harming our country and I know there are a great many Americans as well as legalized foreign nationals in America that agree. Knock off the bullshit policy practices that affect the family here and we'll get a helluva lot more respect over seas. That isn't rocket science, folks and that's not political science either. That's plain old common fucken sense and folks here in America as well as beyond would love to see that in practice.

Should judicial discipline be taken out of the hands of the judiciary?

Should judges be held accountable for allowing lawyers to file false, perjured and frivilous pleadings with no penalty?

Should applications for Child Support be denied without a divorce decree or separation order of support? (Married/Divorced Parents Only)

Should a parent who makes false allegations of child sexual abuse for the purposes of child custody get only Supervised Visitation?

Perjury in family court should be aggressively prosecuted?

Perjured applications for child support should be denied and aggressively prosecuted?

It should be mandated that child support arrears should be prohibited if a parent has interfered with custody & visitation during dissolution or custody proceedings?

I believe that child support arrearages given to a parent who has interfered with custody only encourages future denials of custody & visitation?

Do you believe that Judges and Prosecutors who refuse to enforce child custody are responsible for the escalation of domestic violence by non-custodial parents?

Do you believe that interference with custody is a willful action by the offending parent to cause significant mental & emotional distress on the victim child(ren)?

Do you believe that interference with custody is a willful action by the offending parent to inflict significant mental & emotional distress on the non-custodial parent?